YOU WILL RECEIVE ONE SMALL 1 DRAM DROPPER VIAL OF POTION. Instructions will be emailed to you.
Potions have been used for centuries.
A potion is a topical spell that is applied to your skin or as directed. As you wear the potion, your energies mix with the spells and bring forth the results that are intended. Potions are created for many different purposes. They have long been a common practice of alchemy and are associated with witchcraft.
Our coven is known World wide for our powerful Magick potions and powders. We use only the finest ingredients and spells that are known only to us.
Our potions bring fast and lasting results.
Angelic Bring Resolve Potion:
It is a time of spiritual Awakening!
The time is now for the MOST POWERFUL Metaphysical items to be introduced.
The Angelic Charged Potions have been tested and the results have been nothing short of MIRACULOUS!
These potions are made by using ancient processes from the sacred books of Solomon combined with the positive energy frequencies of the Archangels!
How does this work?
In essence you are wearing the energies of the Archangels! They mix with the targeted spell of your choice and bring about desired results!
You are considering BRING RESOLVE Potion.
This potion is to help to finally get resolve to difficult problems. Perhaps you have been waiting for an answer for a very long time and you are ready for it to be over....with positive results for you? This potion is great for court battles, custody battles, divorce settlements, Selling your home or other property. Brings positive resolution quickly to any long term difficult problem you have been dealing with.
To use: Write down the issue that needs resolve on a piece of paper. Put a drop of Angelic bring resolve potion on the words. Speak the incantation to summon forth assistance of the Angels.
“Angels of high, solve for me the problem that I bring to thee. I trust thy powers to make things right, bring the answers to my sight.” Amen.
Fold the paper and put in a safe place. Your issue will be resolved within a short time. When it is solved, tear up the paper as you thank the Angels for their service. You may throw the paper away. You can have more than one issue being solved at one time.

Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.