Djinn of the Sapphire Ray

Vessel: Gorgeous sterling silver pendant with sparkling sapphire stone!
The Djinn of the Sapphire ray are beautiful and positive female djinn spirits.
If you make just one Metaphysical purchase this year, let this be it.
The The djinn of the Sapphire ray are top level spirits. They are kind and nurturing and bring forth your best attributes.
They calm nerves and promote healing.
They insist on those around being genuine, truthful and loyal.
They elevate your self esteem.
They help you to explore and identify your emotions to heal past trauma.
Bring Vast Wealth and Riches.
Grants Material Abundance.
Bestows Financial Gain through Unexpected Means.
Brings Good Luck in Gambling/Lotto
Gives you better Odds in Games of Chance.
Makes you Beautiful and Glamorous
Blesses you with Love and strong relationships.
Aids in Decision Making.
Removing physical blocks.
Provides Protection and Guidance
You will receive a pendant like the one shown. It will be bound with a unique djinn. I will email instructions and her name to you.

Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.

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