Mark this Momentous occasion as the beginning of a new chapter in your life!
Allow the Rare Amazing Powers of the Supernatural to engulf all of your senses as you gaze upon the greatness of this paranormal masterpiece!

The djinn used EXCLUSIVELY throughout history by ILLUMINATI!
Read no further if you are afraid of the paranormal. Turn away now and forget what you have witnessed here today, wipe the images of this item from your mind and conscious......IF YOU CAN!

These djinn are not shy or illusive
We are not talking about orbs or flecks of light. We are talking about manifestations of true physical nature that will ALWAYS be accompanied by MIRACLES!
These are the djinn of the HIGHEST ORDER!
They govern all other spirits and control the elements.
This is ancient magick at its best. Brought forth from a musty book of shadows that time had forgotten.

To the average person, the pages appear to be empty. To a master conjurer, a book brimming with supernatural secrets! These ancient invocations were deciphered and activated by the Most capable conjurer in the World....... Mahindred Shamasee. This man marches to the beat of a different drum. He does not belong to the World. He belongs to the spirits. They communicate through him as the living vessel between distant realms. They trust him. They obey him and they come forward willingly to be attached to physical vessels.
You simply will not find more powerful Authentic Metaphysical items than at

Others have tried to copy our listings and our style, but they cannot copy the powerful magick that has made us the number one Metaphysical seller in the World!
This amazing Illuminati djinn will bring to you the secrets of the Universe.
If you are happy and content in the place you are at and you couldn't possibly want more........ This djinn is not for you!
This djinn will ROCK your current existence with GIFTS FROM BEYOND!
Owning this djinn will immediatley thrust you into a realm of favor and prosperity. Everything you touch will turn to spiritual gold.
He is not going to mess with your emotions or keep you waiting. He is swift and precise. He is strong but gentle. He is a warrior and friend. You will never want for anything as long as you live!
I have only a few of these djinn available. When they are gone.....they are gone! Please do not delay your purchase.
The Secret Society Skull and crossbones djinn are attached to the beautiful bracelet you see pictured. It is made of stainless steel and lava stone. Bracelet is stretchy and can fit most size wrists. bracelet.

Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.