Offered is this energy filled Illuminati Vampire Ring.
Vintage sterling ring with a cluster of HUGE GARNETS! Absolutely breathtaking!!!! Size 8.
This ring has a magnetic energy that seeks its soul match. You will know if it is yours.
This ring is unlike any you will find. This ring was owned and used by Elite members of the Vampire Illuminati. The members of this group were master sorcerers with secret powers that will leave you in awe. This is one of the most sought after items we have ever offered. This ring's throbbing energy is intense and can be overpowering in the beginning. Be prepared to lavish in the lifestyle of the most rich and powerful people in history as your energies mix with the ancient spells and spirits within. The spirits are Vampires of good nature. They do not live from the blood of others. They exist only from the cast off wasted energy of humans. Since this is a portal of spirits, no bonding is necessary. Simply wearing will activate all powers in your behalf and call forth the perfect Vampires to assist you.
Some of the powers you will inherit: Please know that you will also gain other powers that are not listed here.
Wealth in all forms.
Vivid out of body experiences.
Messages from the Vampire Illuminati
Superior Psychic abilities.
Attraction of the right people at the right time.
There are very few Illuminati Vampire articles available due to the fact that not many were made and most are not circulated to the public.

Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.