You are considering my famous LOVE POTION #666.
My one of a kind Love Potion #666 is a powerful blend of ingredients that drive people WILD with desire. It ramps up sexuality and sexual energy. Simply wear your body, on the bed sheets, or put it on a picture of someone you can't wait to be with!

About Potions:
Potions have been used for centuries.
They are extremely powerful.
in essence, you are casting a spell each time yoYu use it.
This is a very economical way to get multiple spell casts. There are dozens of uses in one potion bottle.
The more times a spell is cast for the same desire, the more powerful it is.
My potions are made of the purest ingredients and essential oils. Safe in any home.
My potion spells are old and extremely effective.
Each potion comes in a 1 dram dropper vial.