I am ready to hold
Wealth, jewels and cash
Activate the money stream
May I receive
More riches and wealth than I ever could dream!
You are viewing one of the most powerful wealth drawing articles in the World. This gorgeous bracelet was cast with rare spells to activate all wealth energy centers and align you to draw money from all sources.
Don't worry...the source from which YOUR money will come from will be positive.
The different colored stones on the bracelet are symbolic of the energy frequencies that were imbued upon each one.
Everything is made up of electromagnetic energy vibrating at different frequencies that correspond to sound, light and color. When used in combination with powerful spells, these energies draw forth and connect you to specific wealth drawing channels. You are getting a TRIPLE WHAMMY of spell power each time you wear!
The red stone is spell cast to invokes richness and luxury. You will draw forth a life of the "FINE THINGS" as you align with this energy frequency.
Gold: The Gold stone is spell cast to draw forth golden opportunies that will magickally manifest with the help of this powerful ring.
Green: The green stone is spell cast for CASH. Money in all forms and from all sources, flowing freely into your hands. Just like a stream, it keeps coming and will never dry up.
The money stream bracelet is so beautiful and no two are exactly alike as they are hand made. The beads are glazed ceramic, each made individually.
This bracelet is a adjustable and fits most wrists.

Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.