YOU WILL RECEIVE ONE SMALL 1 DRAM DROPPER VIAL OF POTION. Instructions will be emailed to you.
Potions have been used for centuries.
A potion is a topical spell that is applied to your skin or as directed. As you wear the potion, your energies mix with the spells and bring forth the results that are intended. Potions are created for many different purposes. They have long been a common practice of alchemy and are associated with witchcraft.
Our coven is known World wide for our powerful Magick potions and powders. We use only the finest ingredients and spells that are known only to us.
Our potions bring fast and lasting results.
Use this powerful potion to heighten the love between yourself and your lover. You can use it to bring your lover back to you if you have drifted apart or fought.
Anyone can use this potion. It can be worn like a perfume, put on a candle with your lover's name written on it or on a picture of your lover. The uses are endless.
To use on your lover’s name, write their name on a piece of paper. Put a drop of potion on the name and fold it in half and then half again. Visualize the person responding to the signal you are sending in a positive and loving way.
To use on a candle: Carve the name of your love on a red candle. Put a drop of potion near the wick. Burn the candle while you meditate on the name and appearance of your love and what you would like to happen through this magick. Blow out the candle and repeat this process for 7 days using the same candle.
To use as a perfume. Put potion on your wrists and neck. To be used when you are in person with your love or talking to them face to face on a computer or phone. It will surround you with a favorable aura that will be picked up by your love and they will respond.

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