Voodoo Protection Sword let no thought prosper against you
Product Description

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This item is the VOODOO DOUBLE EDGED SWORD! It is the most POWERFUL VOODOO protection talisman available ANYWHERE!
The Voodoo double edged sword contains a legion of spiritual warriors that EFFECTIVELY fight the daily spiritual battles you cannot see! NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT IN THE WORLD!
Protection of health-Protects wearer from accidents and diseases, so you can live a long and productive life. Protection of your home and belongings- Protects against any force that can harm your home or material items. Protection of your reputation- Does not allow any evil thought to prosper against you. Protection against evil spirits- This one is probably the most important! People do not realize how much evil spirits impact our everyday lives. This item keeps them away from you! The sword pendant is of excellent quality and craftsmanship. Chain INCLUDED.
VOODOO: A religion practiced chiefly in Caribbean countries, especially Haiti, syncretized from Roman Catholic ritual elements and the animism and magic of slaves from West Africa, in which a supreme God rules a large pantheon of local and tutelary deities, deified ancestors, and saints, who communicate with believers in dreams, trances, and ritual possessions. Voodoo items are very rare and extremely POWERFUL! For this reason, it is suggested that you use the powers sparingly and with good intent. Be prepared to see instant results with this item!
The instructions for this item are very simple....JUST WEAR IT! IT WILL INSTANTLY KILL ANY EVIL THOUGHT OR SPIRIT COMING YOUR WAY! This item is perfect for every member of your family!! EVERYONE NEEDS PROTECTION! You can even attach it to your Pet's collar!!
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